

Welcome to our new updated Church Website. Our purpose is not to advertise our church as such,  as though it were a commodity, or to make any appealing or exaggerated claims that our church is a popular, thriving, family-orientated, or people-friendly church.

We are not seeking to induce people into our church by offering incentives of any form or fashion, or by secularising our agenda or programming, in order to draw people in.

Rather our aim is to encourage and promote the true Christian Faith and the true pathways of discipleship, as the first-century apostles would have done, and upon which our church has been structured.

In most instances, our church will appeal to mature--minded Christian believers that are genuinely seeking the fullness of salvation in Christ; that is, true Christian growth and fellowship, and being present in a true church sanctuary where God alone is glorified and honoured and the true blessings of Christ abound.

We invite you to read carefully through our content and decide prayerfully on our authenticity as a church seeking to replicate the true values and principles of a true and genuine Christian church without compromise or appeasement.

Our Weekly Meetings

Sunday Services

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing! Enter His Gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise!" Give thanks to Him, Bless His Name!
(Psalm 100 vs. 1-2 & 4)

Our main Church Meeting of the week is our Sunday morning Celebration Service held at 11 am. The Services are focused upon the free and fervent Praise, Worship, and Hymn Singing in the true tradition and styles of Evangelical Christianity as characterised in the many great evangelical revivals of the past. The Services are further enhanced with a depth of preaching and teaching that is intended to encourage, nurture, and promote true Christian growth and discipleship in the true unity and fellowship of the true Christian Faith. 

Discipleship Class

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

(Matthew Ch.28 vs.19-20)

"If you continue in my word,
you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth,
and the truth will make you free."

(John Ch.8 vs. 31-32)

At Birches Green Evangelical Church we place a strong emphasis on the precepts of sound and intensive, unadulterated, and uncompromised, Christian Teaching that is informative, educational, enlightening, and inspirational. Our focus is not on numbers, mere followers and believers, or simply, a close-knit community of friendly and nice people - a Christian social club of sorts, but rather, upon the gathering together of devoted and committed disciples. On the Day of Pentecost when the Church was birthed, the very first concept and duty enacted was that the three thousand converts devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching, and we believe this to be a fundamental aspect in establishing a true Christian church in line with the first-century traditions. The ultimate purpose should always be to faithfully follow the New Testament pattern that will allow and enable Christ to build His Church - 'Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, to mature manhood, and to true Christian growth and maturity, so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried around with every wind of doctrine.'
(Ephesians Ch.4 vs. 11-16)

Friday Morning
Drop-In & Fellowship

Friday mornings are an opportunity for meeting together on a more informal basis and to engage in frank and open discussions about any aspect of the church ministry that may seem unfamiliar or difficult to understand. Whether one is a new and young Christian or a long-standing and seasoned believer, the teaching ministry is always progressively unfolding and will expand depths and scopes which may well appear new, radical, controversial or not quite in keeping with any preformed or pre-established denominational doctrines or practices. The purpose is to bring light and clarity whilst remaining fully faithful to the full compliment of Biblical scriptures and truths that attest to the ministry basis and format. 


The Church is very much endeared to the importance of Missions work both at home and abroad and regularly supports a number of well-established Missionary Societies. We believe that the truer qualities that define a true church include love, compassion, and a generous level of giving and serving.  As a general guide, for the past eight years or so, the Church has donated up to a third of its annual income (all of which is derived from our Sunday morning Free-Will Offerings) to Christian Missions and causes. The Church is completely non-commercialised and does not canvas for money at any time and all services including Weddings, Funerals, and Dedications, as well as all Ministry Resources, are administered and given freely without charge. Please link to our Main Missions page to find out more about the Missionary Charities that we support.

Wednesday 12th March
10:00am -
Friday 14th March
10:00am - 12:00pm -
Sunday 16th March
11:00am -
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