Welcome to our new updated Church Website. Our purpose is not to advertise our church as such, as though it were a commodity, or to make any appealing or exaggerated claims that our church is a popular, thriving, family-orientated, or people-friendly church.
We are not seeking to induce people into our church by offering incentives of any form or fashion, or by secularising our agenda or programming, in order to draw people in.
Rather our aim is to encourage and promote the true Christian Faith and the true pathways of discipleship, as the first-century apostles would have done, and upon which our church has been structured.
In most instances, our church will appeal to mature--minded Christian believers that are genuinely seeking the fullness of salvation in Christ; that is, true Christian growth and fellowship, and being present in a true church sanctuary where God alone is glorified and honoured and the true blessings of Christ abound.
We invite you to read carefully through our content and decide prayerfully on our authenticity as a church seeking to replicate the true values and principles of a true and genuine Christian church without compromise or appeasement.