Who We Are and Where To Find Us

Birches Green Evangelical Christian Church

The church is located at 96 Bromford Lane, Erdington, Birmingham, B24 8BY

The Church lies inset from the road in between an Off Licence on one side and a Hardware/Plumbing Merchants on the other.

There is an 11C bus stop (Outer Circle Route) directly in front of the church.

A Church Fore-court is available for off-street parking
and can accommodate up to six or seven vehicles.


Birches Green Evangelical Church is a relatively small Christian church with a seating capacity of around fifty, set on a ¼ acre of land. It is situated in the Birches Green sub-district of Erdington, approximately 5 miles north of Birmingham City Centre, just off the main A38 Tyburn Road heading North out of the City (see map). The Church was established on its present site in 1947, and although the structure and layout are quite basic and well-aged, it is furnished to a reasonable, but modest standard. A baptistry is located under the platform at the front, together with a small side kitchen and office, and a small room at the back currently used for the Sunday School.


The building is not owned by any individual or Body but rather is under the governance of a Trust Deed, meaning that the Church and its outside grounds can only be utilized for Christian purposes, and this extends to any lease, or sale of the property however unlikely. Since 1947 the Church has continued to function as a Free independent, Non-denominational Christian Church for the benefit of the local and extended community. The church has enjoined a past affiliation with the F. I. E. C. Association of Churches, but currently functions independently.


The Church is managed and overseen by a part-time Pastor who receives a minimal stipend based upon a minimal working set of hours, although in reality, the Pastor is on call at all times throughout the week. Aside from the fixed stipend, the Pastor does not receive any expenses or remuneration for any additional hours or costs expended in the course of his duties. These duties which do not necessarily fall within the Minister's remit or responsibilities include grounds and building management and maintenance, administration (stationery and printing), phone, car, and fuel expenses, and any other tasks or expenses that may be incurred in the course of running the church efficiently and effectively. The principle engaged here is that as freely as we have received so too, we freely give and serve for the glory of God and the benefit of others. And of course, the underlying principle is to set an example in Christian living and service without personal profit, gain, or advantage. The Pastor is assisted by two deaconesses who facilitate the roles of Church Secretary, and Church Treasurer, and as helpers in other areas when necessary.


The overriding emphasis is upon having an environment where all those that are genuinely seeking Biblical Fellowship and ministry can come together and engage in praise and worship that is unfettered and unregulated, and yet dignified and respectful to the Lord. The worship will always be meaningful and devotedly centered upon the Father and the Son. The preaching format follows the traditions of the early evangelicals and all of the true preachers and prophets throughout Bible history, meaning that the preaching style is extemporaneous (Spirit Inspired, that is, unscripted and unrehearsed, where the Minister subjects himself to the rigorous discipline of waiting upon the Lord, however long and arduous it may prove to be). The teaching modules will of course be aided through power-point slides or printed notes where necessary.


The Erdington district of Birmingham has a high concentration of churches, and our church is just one among many available for those seeking a regular Christian home Church to join. Whilst we are glad to welcome visitors from other churches, groups, or denominational persuasions, we will never seek to 'poach' individuals away from other churches or encourage individuals to hastily  'break away' from their regular places of worship due to any forms of strife, sedition, or discord. We will always respect the right of individuals to make their own informed choice and decisions when it comes to affiliating with us. Sadly, sedition is a regular trait amongst so many today, and we would never want to be seen taking advantage of any believer's discontent in order to swell our own numbers. However, where believers have acted according to true Biblical protocol and see the need to switch churches, we are more than happy to welcome and receive them into our midst.


We recognise of course that our style of Services may not be to every individual's expectation or liking, even though we profess to be wholly faithful and true to the Biblical precepts and protocols of Church Ministry, Fellowship, and Worship, and determined to be Biblically sound in Doctrine, Teaching, and Practice. When all is said and done, it is only by attending our services that any individual searching for a sound and suitable church to join, can fully appreciate just what we have to offer! One point of wisdom that we do encourage amongst all believers is to pray earnestly and to seek honestly where God would want them to be as opposed to where 'they would prefer to be'. It is not uncommon for believers to make wrong or irrational choices where the overriding emphasis is upon their own likes and preferences, particularly when we take into account the subtlety of the old human sin nature.


True church ministry will tell us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear; It will give us what we need to receive rather than what we want to receive, even if it does prove irregular or unsettling. The true ministry will not pamper to any human or religious whims; it will not seek to tickle our ears or to flatter, appease and placate us. The truth will often cause offense and will often challenge and provoke us out of any 'comfort zone' that may not be conducive to further Christain growth and development. The pathway of true discipleship is hard and very few find it (often because they are not searching for it; they do not have the deeper vision or desire for it and are more than comfortable with their current levels of Christian service and status). The True Way is unglamorous and unappealing to those that are secular or worldly-minded in their outlook and approach. The True Way does not need to offer gimmicks or incentives to lure people into the church. It will never seek to hold on to people or to stop them from leaving, by adapting, compromising, or watering down the ministry just to keep the peace or maintain a harmonious balance.


When all is said and done, it is Christ who purposes to build His true Church, and any unwarranted control or interference,  or any attempt to build up the church using human or religious precepts or traits that are contrary to the sound Biblical doctrines and practices is a fallacy, even if it does appear to work. Remember,  that unless the Lord builds the House, those who build, labour in vain. Christ learned to turn his back upon the crowds and refused to compromise or adapt His teachings or the demands of true discipleship to 'win people over' or secure their acceptance and loyalty!


We cannot make the claim that our church is fun and vibrant according to human and secular traditions. However, we do claim to offer the truest form of Christianity that one could expect to find if they are genuinely seeking Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and in such, there is an abundance of spiritual joy, peace, and contentment. So, please come and give us a chance to demonstrate our brand of traditional Evangelical Christian Service and Worship. We will do our best to make you feel welcome and to encourage you further in the true Christian Faith.




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