"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise!"
Our Main Sunday Morning Service is approximately an hour and a half in duration and in true evangelical tradition, singing and praise plays a prominent part of our Sunday Gatherings. We will sing an abundance of Hymns and Choruses as we encourage our members to enter His gates with thanksgiving in their hearts and into His Courts with praise. Members are free to express their love, joy, and devotion openly and spontaneously without fear of stigma or embarrassment. Our members are encouraged to rejoice in the Spirit and to make merry with all of their heart and soul. The worship will fluctuate between joyful and rousing Hymns of praise, to devotional songs and choruses, all of which are centred on God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. The Worship and Praise is always congregational where all of the glory can be truly given back to the Lord God Almighty. We relish the presence of the Holy Spirit to lead and to guide us through our times of praise and adoration as we lift up our hands and hearts in a full and glad surrender.
This is then followed by the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, which will average about thirty minutes in duration.
The preaching is generally extemporaneous in style, meaning it is not scripted or rehearsed in any fashion, but spontaneously inspired by the leading and guidance of the Spirit. Power Point Presentations will be used when necessary to enhance the learning experience of those in attendance, and to confirm the scriptural basis of the teaching.
This is then followed by the weekly Communion where members will have already been exhorted to examine their selves in the light of the previous week’s ministry before partaking of the Communion with humility and respect and with regard to this divine Covenant.
A Free-Will Offering for all of our regular members is then taken up before we conclude the Service with a final Hymn of Praise.